Biden’s 8 Year Path to Citizenship

With a new president often comes new immigration policies, and this transition is no different! President Biden was sworn into office on January 20, 2021 and he has already made steps towards reversing the immigration policies of the last 4 years. 

His biggest plan yet is his 8 year path to citizenship. It is important to remember that this plan is not yet the law. However, it has the potential to help millions of people. Therefore, I want to give you a break-down of what we might be looking at going forward. 

This bill will be hundreds of pages long and the details are not yet clear. What we know so far is that Biden will attempt to create a 5 year path to getting a green card if you are currently undocumented or in the United States without status. For those ~11 million people, the government will review numerous factors, including criminal history and whether the intending immigrant has paid their taxes. After being deemed eligible, immigrants would be granted their  green card.3 years later, they would then be eligible for citizenship. 

The administration is also looking at an even faster path for DACA recipients, people on TPS, and agricultural workers. 

CMN Law, L.L.C. will be closely following these updates and notifying you as the administration takes action. Contact us today so that we can review your current options and let you know as soon as there is a change in law that may affect your case.


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